The management has graciously reopened the sales of part-time applications forms. This is as a result numerous demands received from parents and the general public, whose wards are unable to be admitted through JAMB to the ND Full-Time programmes.
Thereby, I am directed to notify all prospective applicants that the following part time programmes are still available for those who cannot afford afford pay both acceptance and school fees immediately for the underlisted programmes
- Accountancy
- Banking and finance
- Insurance
- Taxation
- Electrical/Electronic engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
However, interested applicants should notes that the sales of the application form will be reopened from Friday 23rd to Friday 30th December, 2022. Interested applicants should make use of this opportunity has the management will not entertain any further requests
Furthermore, all part time applicants who have previously applied but are yet to be offered admission and are willing to change to any of the above listed programmes should visit the admission office for necessary action
Thank you
Yours faithfully
Mr. Babalola A.F