Consequent upon strong appeal for leniency by parents on behalf of ND2, PT2 and HND2 Students who have not paid their School Fees for 2023/2024 Academic Session, the Management in her understanding and crave for successful accomplishment of goals by the Students has magnanimously approved that these categories of Students be allowed to pay their School Fees before resumption for Second Semester 2023/2024 Session.
In view of the above, all ND2, PT2 and HND2 who have fully registered should come to the Examination Hall with their new Identity Cards and Laminated Course Forms while those who are yet to register should come with their old Identity Cards or temporary Identity Cards issued, dully Signed and stamped by the Directorate of Student Affairs.
*NOTE: This relaxation is not extended to Full Time ND1, Part Time ND1 and HND1 Students who must come to the Examination Hall with new Identity Cards and Laminated Course Forms for eligibility to sit for the Examination.
The Management appreciates the Students for their anticipated cooperation and wishes them resounding success in their Examinations.
Please, kindly treat as very important.