Fed Poly Ede Academic Calendar For 2018/2019 Session

Fed Poly Ede Academic Calendar For 2018/2019 Session

Fed Poly Ede Academic Calendar for the 2018/2019 academic session has been published. The academic calendar shows a break down of academic activities for the 2018/2019 academic session. According to the calendar, academic activities for the 2018/2019 sesson will commence on November 24th, 2018. Full details of the calendar are shown below;


24th November, 2018

Resumption for 2018/2019 Academic Session

26th November, 2018

Online Registration for all students(fresher’s, returning and SIWES Students

28th November, 2018

Regular Academic Board Meeting

3rd December, 2018

Commencement of Lectures for 1st semester 2018/2019 Academic Session

8th December, 2018

Resumption of SIWES Students

10th December, 2018

Commencement of Lectures for SIWES students

16th December, 2018

Close of Registration

19th December, 2018

Regular Academic Board Meeting

17th – 23rd December, 2019

Late Registration

23rd December – 1st January, 2019

Class Work Assignment/End of Year Break

2nd January, 2019

Resumption/Continuation of Lectures

7th – 12th January, 2019

First Continuous Assessment

9th – 11th January, 2019

Fresh Students’ Orientation Programme

15th January, 2019

25th Matriculation Ceremony

30th January, 2019

Regular Academic Board Meeting

4th – 9th February, 2019

Second Continuous Assessment

18th – 24thFebruary, 2019

Convocation Week

21st February, 2019

Inaugural Lecture

23rd February, 2019

End of Lectures for all Students

25th February - 2nd March, 2019

Revision Week

4th – 16th March, 2019

First Semester 2018/2019 Examination for all students

4th – 25th March, 2019

Marking of Scripts (1st Semester 2018/2019 Examination)

26th – 28th March, 2019

Audit of Scripts

27th March, 2019

Regular Academic Board Meeting

29th March – 5th April, 2019

Processing of First Semester Results/Departmental./School Board meeting


6th April, 2019

Resumption/Registration for Second Semester 2018/2019 Academic Session

8th April, 2019

Commencement of Lectures for 2018/2019 Second semester

8th – 9th April, 2019

Business Committee Meeting for consideration of 1st Semester result

12th April, 2019

Academic Board Meeting for consideration of 1st Semester result

24th April, 2019

Regular Academic Board Meeting

29th April – 4th May, 2019

First Continuous Assessment

1st May, 2019

Workers’ Day

27th May – 1st June, 2019

Second Continuous Assessment

29th May, 2019

Democracy Day

3rd - 15th June , 2019

Sport Week/Departmental Weeks

26th June, 2019

Regular Academic Board Meeting

24th - 29th June, 2019

Third Continuous Assessment

1st – 6th July, 2019

Departmental/Student Union Elections/Socials

13th July, 2019

End of second semester Lectures

15th – 20th July, 2019

Revision Week

24th July, 2019

Regular Academic Board Meeting

22nd July – 3rd August, 2019

Second Semester 2018/2019 Examination

5th August, 2019

Commencement of SIWES

22nd July – 14th August, 2019

Marking of Scripts

15th –16th August, 2019

Audit of Scripts/External Moderation

19th – 23rd August, 2019

Processing of second semester Results/Departmental./School Board Meeting

26th -27th August, 2019

Business Committee Meeting for consideration of second Semester Result

28th -August, 2019

Regular Academic Board Meeting

30th August, 2019

Academic Board Meeting for consideration of second Semester Examination results

31st August, 2019

End of Session


9th – 15th September, 2019

Resumption/Registration for Summer Programme

16th September, 2019

Commencement of Summer Programme

30th September – 5th October, 2019

First continuous assessment

21st – 26th October, 2019

Second continuous assessment

30th October

Regular Academic Board Meeting

2nd November, 2019

End of lectures

4th – 9th November, 2019

Revision Week

11th – 16th November, 2019

Summer Examination

11th – 20th November, 2019

Marking of Scripts

21st - 22nd November, 2019

Auditing of Scripts

25th – 27th November, 2019

Processing of Summer Results/Departmental./School Board Meetings

28th November, 2019

Business Committee Meeting for consideration of Summer Semester Result

29th November, 2019

Academic Board Meeting for consideration of Summer result

30th November, 2019

End of Summer Programme


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