The federal college of education technical umunze is currently under surveillance by the soldiers who are helping the school anti-cult system to bring back peace and normalcy to the school.
This is as result of the riot that nearly broke out on Thursday 27th June during the time of electing SUG president for the school. All other post were done successfully both that of the SUG Vice president. But the school authority disqualified all other candidates for SUG president for minor reasons and wanted to declare their last man standing as the president.
The students refused to have their president to be appointed instead of being elected. Almost all the student starting moving to Provost office with up roar of disappointment shouting ''WE NO GREY, WE NO GO GREY'' But since the provost was not in seat. The student decided to move out and express their opinion outside the school environment.
The anti-cult with the police and the soldiers that arrived shortly after the incident help to prevent more demonstration from the students. Ever since that Thursday the school has been under surveillance, the soldiers were parading around the school last since yesterday evening and has been harassing and assaulting the students at any slight provocation.
Please we the students plead with the school authority and management to re-conduct election for the post of SUG president to be fair and free like all others was done, so what we the students could enjoy our studies like we are fond of and maintain our pride as the best and most peaceful college of education in Nigeria.