The Management of the College, in compliance with the directive from the Federal Ministry of Education on the re-opening of schools, has approved Monday, 18 January 2021 for the resumption of normal academic activities.
Consequently, notice is hereby given to staff, students and the general public that students at all levels are to resume on the stated date of 18" January 2021 and continue with the second semester 2019/2020 registration and lectures with full compliance to COVID-19 protocals, including:
1. Compulsory wearing of facemasks by all students, staff and visitors
2. Handwashing at intervals and regular use of hand sanitizers
3. Strict maintenance of social distancing
No student should be admitted into any lecture hall, class or office without wearing of facemasks
All concerned are to ensure strict compliance with the above safety protocols.
Adamu Usman
For Registrar