The management of Federal College of Education, Oyo (FCE Oyo), Special has released the degree Admission List for 2017/2018 Academic Session.
Candidates who applied for degree admision in the school can proced to check if they have been offered admision.
How To Check Your Admisison Status
To access the Admission Lists, click on the links below;
FCE (Special) Oyo UTME Admission List
FCE (Special) Oyo DE Admission List
Instructions To Admitted Candidates
1. The College resumes for academic activities for ALL undergraduate students (Freshers and Stalites) on Monday, 8th January, 2018.
2. Fresh Students upon receiving notice of admission are to visit fcesuidegree.com and click on payment link to pay Acceptance Fee of Twenty-five Thousand naira (N25,000.00) only and generate online payment receipt.
3. The receipt generated in 2 above will be presented at the Accounts Section of the Directorate (DIDDIP) and be exchanged for College receipt. (Candidates are advised to make photocopy of the online receipt for Acceptance fee).
4. with the College receipt freshers are to present themselves for screening at the DIDDIP Registry. Those who are successfully screened will be issued with Authority to Pay and Payment PIN. Documents to be presented for screening include:
(i) Original and verified copied of UTME result slip SSCE results at the College NRCD and ICT Units of the College.
(ii) Original and two photocopies each of all credentials uploaded for pre-admission screening (SSCE & GCE, NCE, etc) Any other credential outside the one claimed online will NOT be accepted.
(iii) Original and two copies of College receipt for N25,000 Acceptance fee
(iv) 8 copies of recent colour-print passport photographs.
(v) Letter of Attestation (on letter headed paper) from two reputable persons certifying to the moral conduct of the candidate.
(vi) Local Government Identification Letter.
(vii)Birth Certificate / Declaration of Age.
(viii) Sworn Affidavit Against Cultism.
5. Candidates are strongly advised to transact business ONLY with the FCES-UI Degree portal at www.fcesuidegree.com in their own interest.
6. The payment PIN issued to a fresher will be used to access the portal for payment of school fees (see schedule of fees in item 2)
7. Deadline for payment of school fees for freshers is Friday, 2nd March, 2018.
8. A fresher after payment as indicated in item 5 above generate online payment receipt which will be presented at the Accounts Section of DIDDIP for College receipt.
9. The College receipt will be used to collect Registration PIN at DIDDIP Registry which will be used to access the portal for course registration.
10. Stalites are to visit the fcesuidegree.com and click on the payment link for payment of the school fees (see the schedule of fees in item A)
11. Upon payment, an online receipt is to be generated and presented at the Account Section for College receipt.
12. With the College receipt, the Registration PIN will be issued at the DIDDIP Registry to access the portal for course registration.
13. On completion of course registration, students are to print out the forms and make six copies.
14. The completed forms are to be endorsed with the Heads of Departments in their respective Course Areas and by the Academic Programme Officers (APO) of their respective Schools. The list of the APOs is provided below:
1) Dr. (Mrs.) A.O. Fagunwa – ECPAE (PES)
2) Dr. (Mrs.) T.A.O. Oladimeji – Education (EME, GCE, GNS & EDU)
3) Mr. E.O. Gbadebo – Arts (CRS & ISS)
4) Dr. O.J. Ezeikel – Science (Human Kinetics & Mathematics)
5) Mr. I.A. Oseni – Special Education ( Special Education)
6) Mr. N. O. Oladeji – Languages (English Language & French)
7) Mr. F. A. Alaka – Voc & Tech. Education.
15. The duly signed course forms will be submitted as follows:
a) 2 copies to the Directorate
b) 1 copy to each of the HODs (Major and Minor)
c) 1 copy to the Academic Programme Office
d) 1 copy to the student
16. The deadline for registration for stalites is Friday, 23rd March, 2018. Late Registration attracts Five Thousand Naira (N5,000.00) penalty which shall be enforced on student(s). This may be reviewed at the discretion of the Directorate and all registration (including Late Registration) closes on Friday, 30th March, 2018.