Following the decision of the college management that 2019/2020 1st Semester Examination will take place from 9th November to 28th November, 2020 and that students participation in the Examination is dependent on presentation of school tees receipts and duely completed and signed course forms, I have been directed to inform all staff of the college as follows:
1. That ICT staff, Bursary staff, HODs, Deans, School Officers, Academic Advisers and Departmental Secretaries/Administrative Officers have to be on their duty posts from 9am to 4pm every working day from 30th October to 6th November to enable student's complete payment of fees and registration of courses before the commencement of examination.
2. That lecturers of NCE courses should complete the lectures, revision and Continuous Assessment in their courses between Monday 2nd November and Friday 6th November, 2020.
3. That lecturers of Degree courses should complete the lectures, revision and Continuous Assessment in their courses between Monday 2nd November and Friday 13" November 2020.
4. That each lecturer should submit a copy of his/her Continuous Assessment Result to Exam Unit and Quality Assurance Unit before collecting materials for examination in each course.
5. That students have to sign three sets/ copies of attendant sheet on each course
6. That each lecturer or course coordinator should collect the answer sheets of the Examination on the day of the Examination.
7. That two Registers manned by different individuals have to be maintained for the purpose of recording the collection of answer sheets by the course lecturers/coordinators
8. That the unused answer sheets at the end of each Examination should be submitted promptly to the Examination Unit.
9. That on completion of Exam on each course, the lecturer should submit a set/copy of the attendance sheet to the Exam Unit, and the Base department of the course
10. That the deadline for submission of the 2019/20201 semester results by lecturers to HODs is Monday 21t December 2020
11. That HODs are to dispatch 1t Semester NCE2 results to external examiners and Degree course results to UNN between 21t" and 22 December 2020
12. That the deadline for submission of 1 Semester 2019/2020 course results and computed results to Exam Unit and Deans is 11 January, 2021