The Federal College of Education, Abeokuta (FCEABEOKUTA) cordially invites the general public to her 24th Combined Convocation ceremonies for the award of Certificates, Prizes and Conferment of Fellowship for Regular, Sandwich and Part-Time Graduands.
FCE Abeokuta Convocation Ceremony Programme of Events
1. Thursday, 26th September, 2019:
i) Combined TRCN Induction for Graduates of PDE, Degree, Sandwich/Part-Time and Regular NCE Programmes
2. Friday, 27th September, 2019 (Day One)
i) Media Briefing
ii) Jumat Service (FCE Central Mosque)
3. Sunday, 29th September, 2019 (Day Three)
i) Thanksgiving Service at FCE Chapel of Peace.
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4. Monday, 30th September, 2019 (Day Three)
i) Keep Fit
ii) Health Awareness (ENAS Hall)
iii) Award Night/General Staff Entertainment (COEASU Hall)
5. Tuesday, 1st October 2019 (Day Four)
i). Theatre Arts Presentation (12 Noon at the Old Theatre Arts Hall)
ii). Games/Novelty Match (4.00 pm)
5. Wednesday, 2nd October, 2019 (Day Five)
i) Convocation Lecture
ii) Commissioning of Projects I
iii) Alumni Night
iv) Reminiscences Night
7. Thursday, 3rd October, 2019 (Day Six)
i) Commissioning of Projects II
ii) Convocation Ceremony
College Community Members (Staff and Students) are implored to give this widest circulation and support to ensure resounding success of all the events.