Mr Kayode Joseph Akin, a
custom officer and an EX-
student of the Federal
polytechnic, Bauchi has filed a
case against the Head of
Department(HOD) of the
department of banking and
finance, at the polytechnic
Mallam Aminu Abubakar who
according to Mr Joseph, wrote a
petition against him, which
defamed his character.
Mr joseph in a suit filed by his
councel, disclosed that the
defendant, Mallam aminu wrote
a LIBELOUS petition against him
on the 17th of August, 2011 to
the dean, school of Business
studies, federal polytechnic
Bauchi which reads that Mr
Joseph made a threat against
his life.
The petition which was
published in the national dallies
of october 20, 2011 according
to the plaintiff has defamed his
image, as his friends and co-
workers has applied
restrictions in their
relationships with him, and
have been watching him with
suspicion ever since. Mr Joseph, demands the court
to declare the petition as
libelous and a public apology
from the HOD of the federal
polytechnic Bauchi, in addition
to N10million in cash for
damages done to his public
The counsel for the defendant,
AG Salisu, has since told that
court that it lacked jurisdiction
to entertain such a case since
the defendantwas an employee
of The Federal Polytechnic,
Bauchi, which holds a federal
legislation, and is a federal
institution, hence, only the
Federal High Court could hear
the case.