ESUT Students Protest No Fee, No Exam Policy By School Management

ESUT Students Protest No Fee, No Exam Policy By School Management

Report has it that pandemonium broke out yesterday at the Enugu State University of Science And Technology, ESUT when some student who were hindered from participating in the ongoing 1st semester examination forcefully over powered the security personal gained access into the examination halls and chased away lecturers and invigilators, barricaded the school gate and marched to the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Enugu to register their grievances.

The cause of the students’ action as we gathered was due to the fact that the management earlier announced a penalty of Fifteen Thousand Naira (N15,000) for students who were not able to pay up their school fees before the given deadline.

That means that students who were unable to pay up their school fees within the stipulated period will have to pay  N15,000 in addition to the school fees which is N124,950 bringing to total amount to N139,950.

The school management equally stated that any student who was not able to pay before the 1st semester examination will not be allowed to site for the examination.

The school management in keeping to its policy of no fee no examination prohibited the students who have not paid their school fees from coming close to the examination hall. This angered the student which led to the protest.

The school management is yet to comment on this development. However, the ongoing examination has been put on hold.

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