ESUT notice on 2nd semester examination, 2019/2020

ESUT notice on 2nd semester examination, 2019/2020

Following our earlier Memorandum, Ref. No. ESUT/R/35, dated the 15 day of April, 2021, in relation to the above-mentioned subject, this is to inform all concerned that the said conduct of CBT Based Examinations on Faculty-Wide Courses is not limited to only the First and Second year students but also extended to all the students in the University, Third year to Final years students inclusive.

 In the light of the above development, all Faculties and the respective Academic Departments are equally required to extend the conduct of the CBT Examinations in two to three selected Courses to affect all the third to final year students of the Faculties and the Departments.

This measure aforesaid, is to ensure that no student is exempted in taking some mandatory CBT examinations.

In view of the above, Staff and students of the University are therefore expected to co-operate maximally so as to achieve the basic objectives of this directive without Exception.

Please treat expeditiously.

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