Enter Shell Ideas360 Global Student Competition:
Undergraduate and postgraduate students of all Nigerian Universities are encouraged to participate in SHELL IDEAS360, a global competition organised by Shell International Limited for students towards developing “game-changing ideas for tackling energy, water and food issues”.
Five individuals or teams are to be selected per school to progress to the final stage of the Competition, and these successful entries will be recipients of a sponsored trip to Shell Eco-Marathon 2014 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
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The winner of the competition will, in addition, receive the grand prize of a National Geographic Expedition.
Participation in the Competition is open to any person who:
(I) is, or will be aged 18 or over by May 31, 2014; and
(II) is currently studying (and is officially registered to continue studying until at least May 31, 2014) as a full time undergraduate or postgraduate at a recognised, degree awarding university or other equivalent higher education establishment.
For further information, please log onto: https://www.shellideas360.com.