This is to inform Students of Emmanuel Alayande University of Education that the management has released the procedures for course registration.
To register for the courses for the session, proceed to your student platform Take note of the following information as you register:
1. You must first register for the General Studies (GST) courses.
2. All Education students must register for all Common Education Courses
3. Register for all the Compulsory courses for your programme
4. Register for all the Required Courses in your programme
5. You may or may not register for elective courses
6. You must register for a minimum 30 units in any session
7. You cannot register for more than 45 units in any Session
8. After choosing the courses that you want to register, you need to crosscheck that you have registered for all the required courses
9. You have to click on Agree to indicate that the registered courses are correct
10. After this you need to lock the registration form after which you can no longer change the courses that you already registered for.
11. You can then print your registration form and include in the file that you submit at the Faculty and Department. You can return to print a copy of your registration form at any time
12. NOTE: If you need to make correction on the registration after you have locked the registration, you will be charged a penalty fee of N5,000.
Note: Every course that you registered for will be used in the computation of your Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). If you did not sit for the examination, you will be awarded a score of zero for the course and it will still be used in the computation of your CGPA