Some candidates seem not to know whether or not they are eligible for the 2021 JAMB Mock exam which comes up on June 3rd, 2021. Let’s quickly clear the confusion so you know if you are eligible to take the 2021 JAMB Mock exam.
Only candidates who registered for the JAMB UTME on or before April 24th, 2021, and indicated interest to take the mock exam are eligible. So if you do not fall in this category of candidates, you are simply not eligible to take 2021 UTME mock.
However, whether or not you are taking the mock exam, we got you covered as you can have the same experience and achieve the same objective with the SchoolGist JAMB CBT Mobile App for android phones or the SchoolGist JAMB CBT Software for computer systems.
The app and software have a similar interface as the one that will be used by JAMB in the main exam. You can set your own mock questions, test your self and see how prepared you are for the main exam. Don't be left out. CLICK HERE now to download the app for android phones or CLICK HERE to download the software for computer systems.
For those who are eligible for the mock exam, you can proceed to print your JAMB Mock exam slip if you have not already done so to be able to know your exam time and venue.