Some candidates seem not to know whether or not they are eligible for the 2020 JAMB Mock exam which comes up February 18th, 2020. Let’s quickly clear the confusion so you know if you are eligible to take the 2020 JAMB Mock exam.
Only candidates who registered for the JAMB UTME on or before February 1st, 2020 and indicated interest to take the mock exam are eligible.
If you did not register before the stated date, it means you are not eligible for the mock. However, you do not have anything to worry about. You can have same mock exam experience by downloading and practicing with the JAMB CBT Mobile App, JAMB CBT Software for Computer Systems or by using the Free Online JAMB CBT Exam Platform
For those who are eligible for the mock exam, you can proceed to print your JAMB Mock exam slip if you have not already done so to be able to know your exam time and venue.