Please recall that Ebonyi State University had earlier adopted the policy of “NO FEE NO EXAMS” to curtail the excesses of some students who pay fees only on coercion. The strict implementation of the said policy was played down owing to the global/national economic meltdown.
However, Management has noted with great dismay the flagrant abuse of the gesture by many students expressed by non-payment of fees including those whose parents have given their fees. Consequently, Management has directed that any student who fails to pay his/her fees on or before Wednesday, 30th June 2021 shall be deemed to have processed him/herself out of the University.
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For the avoidance of doubt, be reminded that any exam taken without fee payment is invalid and Management SHALL NOT entertain any application requesting for reopening of the EBSU portal to register courses.
All concerned especially the Faculty Deans/Academic Director/HODS are to be guided by the foregoing for strict implementation, please.