EBSU Matriculation Ceremony Date 2023/2024

EBSU Matriculation Ceremony Date 2023/2024

As a newly admitted student at Ebonyi State University (EBSU), an important milestone awaits you – the 26th Matriculation Ceremony. This event marks not just your formal entry into the university but also the beginning of a significant chapter in your academic journey. The management of EBSU is pleased to extend an invitation not only to the freshmen but also to the general public for this celebratory event. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming matriculation ceremony.

Date, Time, and Venue of the Ceremony

Date: Saturday, 27th January 2024

Ensure you mark this date on your calendar as it signifies the official start of your academic journey at EBSU.

Venue: Main Campus

The ceremony will be held at the main campus, a location that resonates with the university’s rich heritage and academic spirit.

Time: 11:00 am Prompt

Punctuality is key. The ceremony will commence at 11 am, so it is advisable to arrive early to settle in comfortably.

What to Expect at the Matriculation Ceremony

The matriculation ceremony at EBSU is a formal event filled with academic traditions. It is an opportunity for you to:

  • Be officially inducted as a student of EBSU.
  • Experience the rich culture and academic ethos of the university.
  • Meet and network with fellow freshmen, faculty, and administrative staff.


The 26th Matriculation Ceremony at Ebonyi State University is more than a formal induction; it is a celebration of a new beginning in the world of academia. As you prepare to be part of this significant event, remember that it marks the start of your journey towards academic excellence and personal growth at EBSU.

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