The Admission Exercise for the 2019/2020 Academic Session would be conducted on Central Admission Processing system (CAPS).
- The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has approved that 1st choice Admission Exercise would be conducted from 21st August to 16th November, 2019 while 2nd choice admission will be conducted from 17th November, 2019 to 15th February, 2020.
- Credit passes in O’level Mathematics and English Language respectively shall continue to form part of the mandatory general entry requirements for the 2019/2020 admission/registration into all EBSU regular undergraduate programmes.
- EBSU will not write Post UTME Examination in 2019/2020 admission exercise.
- Admission/Registration of candidates into undergraduate programmes of Faculty of Law and Medicine/Anatomy respectively shall continue to be based on possession of all relevant O’level entry requirements at one sitting.
- There shall be no consideration for admission/registration of all candidates (successful pre-degree graduands inclusive) into undergraduate programmes without evidence of:
- Minimum UTME (JAMB) result/score of 170 and
- PDS with a minimum score of 170.
- The NUC approved admission carrying capacity for EBSU remains 5117
- There shall be no recommendation/admission of candidates into undergraduate programmes on Awaiting Result basis. For avoidance of doubt, no candidate who fails to present ready qualifying statement of result or certificate as evidence of fulfilment of prescribed entry requirements for admission through UTME or Direct Entry (D/E) shall be recommended/selected, admitted or registered provisionally.
- In addition to other stipulated criteria for supplementary admission, no successful pre-degree graduate without a minimum UTME score of 170 shall be considered for admission.
- No candidate with an average score of less than each of the Faculty’s cut-off marks as in three(3) below, shall be considered for admission.
- Pre-Degree graduates or candidates who neither put EBSU as first nor second choice University shall not be considered for admission except JAMB permits of it.
- Direct Entry admission shall continue to take 10% of EBSU total quota.
- Direct Entry admission seekers whose O’level result are not screened online may not be considered for admission.
- A minimum of OND/OD Upper Credit shall continue to form basic criteria for Direct Entry admission into EBSU programmes.
Conference Admission:
The selection of candidates for admission/registration into undergraduate programmes shall continue to be by modified conference arrangement whereby Department/Faculty lists are to be mandatorily presented with each Department/Faculty Admission Committee’s minutes (with duly signed, attendance lists of members).
N/B: Any list that falls short of the foregoing shall be discountenanced and an alternative list generated by the Management administratively.
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Ebonyi State University Abakaliki (EBSU) general cut – off point for the 2019/2020 admission is 170 (one hundred and seventy) score in the JAMB/UTME. However, the minimum cut – off points required for admission/registration in the various programmes are available through the link below.
Recommended: EBSU Cut-Off Marks for 2019/2020 Admission Exercise.
Procedure for Selection of Candidates for Merit Admission
The first choice admission are to be guided by JAMB approved admission criteria as follows:
- Merit: Here about 40 (forty) percent of each programme shall be selected as general merit (R/M)
- Locality/Catchment (R/L): Also in this category, 40% of the quota of each programme shall be selected and Spread among the 13 Federal recognized Local Government Areas of Ebonyi State.
- ELDS: Educationally less developed states shall be discretionally applied if constraints of the 2019/2020 NUC quota and prevailing imperative within EBSU as a State University permits. Meanwhile, be reminded that the states recognized to be educationally less developed include: Adamawa, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Cross River, Ebonyi, Gombe, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa,Niger, Plateu, Rivers, Sokoto, Taraba, Yobe and Zamfara.
- JAMB approved UTME subject combinations for different courses in the brochure shall continue to be a yardstick for all admission selection.
- Physically Challenged candidates with acceptable minimum UTME (JAMB) score are to be given preferential treatment.
Admission Quota Criteria By Percentage:
Subject to the prevailing situation, admission of candidates based on the 5,117 NUC approved quota for EBSU in 2019/2020 admission session shall be guided by the following criteria:
- Merit/Locality – 80% (2,046.8 slots) subdivided into:
- General Merit – 40% (1,842)
- Catchment/Locality – 40% (1,842 slots
- Direct Entry Candidates (including JUPEB)- 10% (512 slots)
- Pre-Degree – 5% (256 slots)
Admission Quota Distribution to Programmes:
The 5,117 NUC approved quota allocated to EBSU for 2019/2020 session shall be distributed to faculties and departments as shown on the table below:
Click on the images for better view.

Supplementary Admission
EBSU First choice candidates who fail to get admission through merit shall be given a chance in supplementary admission provided they possess the basic entry requirements in the different areas they applied.
Note: There will be no Supplementary Admission in the following areas:
- Law
- Medicine and Surgery
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Nursing Science
Admission Through Pre-Degree (PDS)
Admission through Pre-Degree School (PDS) shall continue to be given adequate preference in such a manner that 5% of approved quota will be given to Pre-Degree School in supplementary admission.
Direct Entry Admission
The possession of basic O/Level entry requirements in their respective areas of discipline shall continue to be used as condition for Direct entry admission for 2019/2020 session. This is without prejudice to Direct Entry candidates in Law where single O/Level sitting entry shall be waved for those with good qualifying Direct Entry result certificates.
Note that suitable EBSU Diploma results shall continue to be considered for Direct Entry admission just like others from Polytechnics and Monotechnics. However, this is not applicable to Diploma from other university.
Admission Ratio:
- Council approved admission ratio of 80: 20 between Ebonyi catchment LGAs versus candidates from other local government Areas/States respectively shall continue to apply as much as practicable.
- The admission ratio of 60: 40 in favour of Sciences and Arts based courses shall also continue to apply
Concessional Admission
There shall be no concessional admission in 2019/2020 admission.
Admission of Staff Biological Children/On Staff Interest
There shall be provision for consideration of admission of staff biological children. Members of staff are advised to formally indicate such requests through collection/filling of the appropriate forms from Admissions Department. Completed forms should be signed by staff Head of Department and submitted to Admissions Department. Concerned members of staff are to be reminded that only forms for genuine biological children will be processed.
Screening of Candidates
Candidates shall be intensively screened to ensure that all the documents presented for admission including O/Level, PDS result slip, Declaration of Nationality UTME result are genuine. All admitted candidates as approved by JAMB in their Forum with Higher Institutions must present: a. Original Result Slip and JAMB Admission Letter before registration.
Review and Update of 2019 UTME Brochure
According to JAMB, the review of UTME brochure is now automated and electronic – online through IBASS (Integrated Brochure and Syllabus System). Each Institution is to use its secured access credentials and views its present requirement, make online request for amendment, deletion or addition on the IBASS platform on or before 15th October, 2019.
National Matriculation List
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) and the Regulatory Agencies have resumed their joint monitoring exercise of Matriculation and Admissions. All successful candidates whose admissions are processed appropriately through the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) would be listed and the list made available publicly to all stakeholders.
The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), National Universities Commission (NUC), National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) must be informed and invited not later than two(2) weeks before Matriculation Ceremony. The invitation letter must be accompanied with the soft copy of the matriculation list. Late invitation to Matriculation Ceremony will not be entertained.
Closure of 2019/2020 Admission Exercise
The deadline for 2019/2020 admission exercise as approved by JAMB is 15th February, 2020. All involved in admission process should strive to keep to the approved schedules to ensure that the University concludes admissions within the stipulated period to avoid any possible sanction by JAMB.