It has gotten to the attention of the Management of Ebonyi State College of Nursing and Midwifery, Uburu that scammers have started using the name and picture of the college logo to advertise for form sale and application in an attempt to defraud candidates.
Please do not fall victims for this as Ebonyi State College of Nursing Sciences, Uburu has only one Facebook page which is Ebonyi State College of Nursing and Midwifery, Uburu and can only communicate you through the College portal www.ebsconsu.edu.ng Hence, whatever information you see online must be verifiable through the college portal before being taken as authentic and genuine.
This fraudulent act has been reported to the appropriate authorities and necessary actions are in place to put it to an end. In a World of increasing cybercrime, be assured that we are doing our best to make sure that the integrity of the college is secured. Beware of scammers! Be guided properly.