EarthPlus Letter Writing Competition to Mark World Environment Day 2020

EarthPlus Letter Writing Competition to Mark World Environment Day 2020

EarthPlus Letter Writing Competition

The EarthPlus Letter Writing Competition is designed to get your ideas for sustainability and conservation of our biodiversity.

World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated every year on 5 June. It has become a global platform for public outreach, with more than 143 countries participating annually.  

This year’s theme for WED is “Biodiversity”, and it could not have come at a better time. The Amazon is said to house the world’s largest combination of plant and animal biodiversity. Last year, we witnessed the Amazon fires which upset our biodiversity pool. Early this year, we also had the California and the Australia fires.

We are losing our biodiversity, and to man-made activities for the most part. In Nigeria, conservation levels are also low and at EarthPlus Africa, they are concerned about finding policy solutions to this. That is why they are hosting the EarthPlus Letter Writing Competition. They want to hear your ideas for sustainability and conservation of our biodiversity.

The good thing is, if you win, they won’t just hear it, the entire country will too.

EarthPlus Letter Writing Competition.

  • Write a letter to the Nigerian Minister of Environment, sharing with him your ideas on what Nigeria should do to conserve its biodiversity. You are free to choose any relevant heading, but do well to share your ideas with the Minister in the letter.

EarthPlus Letter Writing Competition Eligibility.

  • Young people aged 18-35
  • Must be a citizen of Nigeria
  • Must be following EarthPlus Africa (@earthplusafrica) on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
  • Must possess and demonstrate a strong interest in environmental sustainability

EarthPlus Letter Writing Competition Prizes.

  • 1st position: 15,000 naira + your entry will be published in one National Daily
  • 2nd position: 10,000 naira + your entry will be published in one National Daily
  • 3rd position: 5,000 naira. Also, the top two entries (1st and 2nd) will be sent to the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Environment

How to Submit Entries for the EarthPlus Letter Writing Competition.

  • Submissions should be original, properly formatted and submitted as a Word document
  • Word count- 800-1200 words. (Please do not exceed word count) Font: Times New Roman. Font size – 11 point. Spacing – 1.5
  • The Word file should be named as follows: NAME_SURNAME_EARTHPLUS LETTER COMPETITION ENTRY
  • Use “EarthPlus Letter Competition Entry” as e-mail subject.
  • In the body of the e-mail, please provide your:
  • Full name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Location (City and State)
  • Your social media ID’s (IG, Twitter and Facebook)
  • Tell us in the body of the e-mail if you are following EarthPlus Africa on all the social media channels.
  • All submissions should be sent to No multiple entries.

Application Deadline: 10th June 2020, 11:59pm Nigerian Time. Any entry sent after this time will not be assessed.

Assessment will be done by an independent panel of judges. Winners will be announced via EarthPlus Africa’s handles on social media and reached via e-mail.

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