This is to inform the public especially candidates that applied for admission into the National Diploma Programme of the Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro that the management of the polytechnic has announced the date for the post-unified Tertiary Examination (UTME) Screening Exercise has been scheduled to take place as follows:
DAY ONE - Friday 5th February 2021
a. School of Agriculture
b, School of Engineering
c. School of Environmental studies
d.School of Science & Technology
Time - 10.00a.m
Venue - Polytechnic Campus
DAY TWO - Saturday 6th February, 2021
a.School of Business Studies
Time - 10.00a.m
Venue - Polytechnic Campus
Candidates are advised to check the Polytechnic website: www.dspz.edu.ng. for proper guidance.
Also, candidates are advised to adhere strictly to COVID-19 protocols such as wearing of nose mask, as no candidate will be allowed into the campus without nose mask.
Mrs. Margaret I. Oshiegbu
Registrar/Secretary to Academic Board