This is to inform all Students in this Institution that the Students' Union Government (SUG) Election for 2020/2021 has been scheduled for 23 December 2020. Consequently, the purchase of nomination forms for the various offices will commence on Tuesday 1 December 2020.
Interested students wishing to contest for any of the positions can obtain a nomination form from the Student Affairs Division upon the payment of the following sum as indicated hereunder
President - 30,000
Vice president - 25,000
Secretary General - 25,000
Assistant Secretary - 15,000
Financial secretary - 25,000
Treasurer - 25,000
PRO - 20,000
Sport Director - 20,000
Internal Affairs - 15,000
Social Director - 20,000
SUG Student Representative - 10,000
Other Position (Hostel) - 2,000
The closing date for the collection and return of the nomination forms is 1 December 2020 to 18 December 2020. The election shall be conducted through e-voting.
Please note that all contestants shall appear for screening on Monday 21 December 2020.
An overall GRA of 3.00 is required for the office of President, Vice President, and Secretary.
General Wile GPA of 2.50 is acceptable for other offices.
Only HND2 Students are eligible to contest for the office of the President and Vice President.
Guidelines and rules for campaigning by aspirants and the voting system are to be adhered to strictly by all students.