DO'S AND DONT'S FOR 2015 NYSC Batch B Prospective Corp Members

DO’S AND DONT’S FOR 2015 NYSC Batch B Prospective Corp Members

This 3 weeks of your life which you will spend during the Orientation Camp can either make you or mar you. Here are tips on how to sail through and survive during the orientation exercise.
Read,share and pass on to others . Do not forget to ask
questions if you have any.

*Do not laminate your call-up letter.
It is not your property, it is the property of the government Because during registration at the camp , your call up letter would have to be stamped .

DOS AND DONTS FOR 2015 NYSC Batch B Prospective Corp Members

*Make a hair style that you can cope with
Ladies this is very important . Its just 3 weeks , so make a hairstyle that will last for that period . A style that wont consume your time when dressing up
because sometimes you might just have to run out for parade and you might look rough. Braids are okay. If you decide to fix weavon to camp, you may be forced to make another hair in camp.

*Dont be too anxious and in a hurry to wear your kit when given. If you report at camp on the first day , you will
be issued your complete camp kit . Dont quickly change into them because
from that moment on parade is your next best friend.The thing is from 3 pm , soldiers will blow the bugle for
parade so anyone seen kitted is chased to parade.
My advice is that you just keep that kit till maybe the next day. As soon as you are issued your kit, hide it under you box/bag. You can then
successfully wear mufti for the 3 days duration of registration. If the soldiers ask why you aren’t kitted tell them you’ve not been issued and they’ll leave you alone. Be wise !!!!

*Do not for any reason loose your Face cap. Your NYSC cap is a must anywhere you go to in
camp ,mostly when heading to the parade
ground. In some camps the commandants and
officers take it very personal . Some girls might want to display their hair and all . Also the sun is definitely not your friend so always be with your cap.

*Do not give any room for unnecessary harassment
This is for the ladies. Most of you ladies might want to show yourself and God help you that one of those commanders or army officers pick you as
their target . Keep your cool , respect yourself and obey them (that’s what they want at least) .
Then if you are harassed you can take
it up to the necessary authority .Except you want it .

*Do not be deceived. The Camp Commandant (the soldier in charge) and the other soldiers may tell you that if you
participate in parade, play volleyball, and do all they want you to do, you will end up being posted
to a favorable place for your Primary Assignment –
LIES! These Soldiers do not exercise the power to influence your posting at all.

*Try a much as possible to register as an OBS member from the first day . Every camp has OBS (orientation broadcasting service). Their speakers are all over camp and they blast music all day, cast news and announce missing items. Now members of OBS don't go for parade. Once those
soldiers enter the hostels to chase for parade and you show your OBS tag they leave you alone. However, now OBS carries out auditions because they know everyone wants to join to avoid parade.
Finally, take photographs and make yourself happy.
All the best!!!

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