Disastrous fire, rainstorm, leaves CRUTECH in wreckages

Disastrous fire, rainstorm, leaves CRUTECH in wreckages

The Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) was affected by fire and a rainstorm on Thursday, April 22, 2021, leaving many offices and valuables destroyed on the university’s main campus.

The fire started from the office of the Dean's secretary due to an electrical fault from one of the sockets and affected the office of the Dean, Faculty of Communication Technology.

The dean revealed that physical objects such as tables, chairs, plywoods, and other objects were razed by the fire, however, sensitive materials such as exam scripts and other documents in the office were not affected.

Five administrative blocks including the Biology laboratory block, the Students Affairs block, the Faculty of Environmental Science block, the Old Senior Staff Club block, and the Old Graduate School block were also affected by the heavy rainfall that rocked Calabar that same day.

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