Did you get an SMS of Being Offered Admission into any school?

Did you get an SMS of Being Offered Admission into any school?

SchoolGist has been getting reports of candidates receiving SMS assuring them that they have been offered admission and then they are requested to make payment for their Acceptance fee.

In as much as this may be possible, you should first check the official Jamb Website by following the instructions stated here.

If you have indeed be offered admission, then you may need to visit the school or follow instructions as published by SchoolGist.

Please do not make any acceptance fee payment into any account except it is the official account of the school. If you do, your money is lost.

Please be exceptionally careful with people you transact with on the internet.

If you have received any SMS saying that you have been offered admission, please post a comment using the box below. You can copy and paste the exact SMS you received stating the school and the sender so the community can help you.

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