Screening of UTME and direct entry candidates for admission into the DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY for the 2014/2015 academic session – A slight adjustment.
Consequent upon the public holidays declared by the Federal Government for Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th July, 2014 respectively, the University Management has decided to adjust the date of UTME and Direct Entry Screening Exercise earlier scheduled to commence on Tuesday 29th through to 31st July, 2014.
In the light of the above development, the 2014 screening exercise for UTME and Direct Entry candidates will now hold as follows:
Day One: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 same time and venues- Arts, Arts Education, Law, Science and Science Education.
Day Two: Thursday, July 31, 2014 same time and venues – Social Sciences, Social Science Education and Management Science:
Day Three: Friday, August 1, 2014 same time and venues – (All Direct Entry)
Note: The University Management is not unmindful of the inconveniences these changes will cause the candidates and other stakeholders as far as the conduct of the screening exercise is concerned.
However, it is the expectation of the University Authority that all those concerned would show understanding in this regards.