DELSU notice on relocation of 100 Level Faculty of Engineering students to Oleh Campus

DELSU notice on relocation of 100 Level Faculty of Engineering students to Oleh Campus

This is to inform the University Community especially the students, that Senate as its 197th Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, November, 29th 2023 considered the information that the Faculty of Engineering has the facilities and equipments to house the 100 Level Engineering students of the University. It therefore approved the movement of the 100 Leve Engineering students from Abraka Main Campus to Oleh Campus.

However, following the interactions between Management and the 100 Level Engineering students, Management considered the effect the movement will have on students who have already settled down for the semester and decided that the effective date for the moment should be 2024/2025 academic session.

Consequently, by this publication, all 100 Level Engineering students are to remain in Abraka Campus for the 2023/2024 academic session.

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