This is to inform the University Community, particularly staff and students, that the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Andy Ogochukwu Egwunyenga, has graciously considered and approved an appeal from the Students Union Executive on extension of the deadline for the payment of school fees and registration of courses for the 2021/2022 academic session
Consequently, the new deadline for the payment of school fees and registration of courses for the 2021/2022 academic session has been extended from Friday, March 25, to Friday, April 8, 2022
It is the expectation of Management, therefore, that students, both old and new would take advantage of this magnanimity to ensure strict compliance without fail.
This is to inform the University Community, particularly non-teaching staff that Management has magnanimously declared another vacancy for the conversion/upgrading of qualified non-teaching staff of the university.
Arising from the above, all interested staff are requested to apply in person stating the cadre (Clerical/Executive/Administrative) of their interest and to attach their current Curriculum Vitae including other relevant documents that qualify them for the cadre of interest.
Submission of application commences on Monday, March 28, and closes Monday, April 4, 2022.
Note: Staff who are already fifty five (55) years and above and those
whose certificates are less than five years need not apply.
All applications should be addressed to:
The Registrar
Delta State University, P. M. B. 1, Abraka.