I really do not see why the result could not be available IMMEDIATELY after the exam.
The exam for unilag was conducted on the 13th of July and result not out as of the 17th. The exam is multi-choice based. This means that the answers to each questions are fixed.
The exams was done using computers, this means that the score are available real time. I expected every candidate to be able to see their score from the computer as soon as they finish a subject.
Official certificate can be sent later or even immediately from the database provided the candidate provides his/her email address.
I see the idea of waiting for days to compile result (that exist right from a second after the exam) as a plan to do some mischief such as letting some dirty people buy spaces not meant for them. The result should be instant while the cut off mark can be fixed after the exam to ensure the quantity of candidate taken match applicable capacity of the school. Thank you.