The University Senate, at its 49th meeting held on Thursday, November 5, 2020, discussed extensively on salient issues as they relate to the University; including the physical resumption of students for the 2020/2021 academic session. At the end of the deliberations, Senate approved that students should resume in phases, as follow: –
400 Level and 300 Level students ---- Saturday, November 7, 2020
200 Level, Freshmen (100 level) and Direct Entry students ------ Monday, November 16, 2020
COVID-19 Safety Protocols
All staff, students and visitors to the University are to ensure strict compliance with Covid-19 safety protocols such as:-
Wearing of face masks,
Social/physical distancing,
Use of hand sanitizers and other safety protocols, both at the entrances and within the University.
All students are to comply strictly with the aforementioned directives to avoid any embarrassment by Security personnel or other Authorities of the University.
In addition, all motorists and their passengers are required to undergo temperature screening and hand sanitization at the University main entrances.
Every member of the University community is therefore enjoined to carefully study the above directives, and adhere strictly to the guidelines as approved by Senate.