Covenant University part-time degree programmes admission application form for the 2014/2015 academic session is now onsale.
The general public is hereby informed that Application Forms for admission into the PART-TIME DEGREE PROGRAMMES of Covenant University is now available on-line.
Covenant University Part-Time Degree Admission Form.
The minimum entry requirements for admission into Covenant University are credit level passes in 5 subjects at the SSCE/GCE O ‘Level /NECO/NABTEB or its equivalent, obtained at not more than two sittings. The subjects passed must i n c l u d e E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e a n d Mathematics. Candidates are also to note that there are other requirements that may be specific to a College and/or a Programme (as guided by the NUC Benchmark Minimum Academic Standard BMAS).
Covenant University Part-Time Degree Method f Application.
Applicants must complete the Covenant University Application Forms, available o n l i n e a t www.ptadmission.covenantuniversity.edu.ng.
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Applicants are to note that the closing date for completion and submission of Application form would be four weeks after the release of this advert. The cost of the form is N6,250 with N350 as processing fee payable in any Bank. Applicants can also pay online on the payment page for N6,900 by selecting from the card payment options available using their ATM card.
Important Information to Intending Applicants.
All qualifications claimed by applicants in order to fulfill the prescribed entry requirements must have been obtained on or before students’ registration time. Applicants to Covenant University should note that there will be a Computer based screening exercise which will take place at Covenant University, Canaan Land, Km. 10 Idiroko Road, Ota. The screening schedule will be accessible on t h e U n i v e r s i t y w e b s i t e (ptadmission.covenantuniversity.edu.ng), immediately after the closing date for the purchase of the forms. Intending students of Covenant University must be God fearing, God loving and unreservedly committed to obeying Him. Students are expected to exhibit Core Value-driven disposition as embedded in the University’s Core Value of Spirituality, Possibility Mentality, C a p a c i t y B u i l d i n g , I n t e g r i t y, Responsibility, Diligence and Sacrifice. Applicants are advised to consider this important requirement of admission before purchasing the form. They are also advised to recognise that the screening exercise will among others focus on these requirements.
Click Here to download the list of available programmes.
SchoolGist Team.