The circular from the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Education Ref. No. FME/PSE/HE/1041/C.l/Vol. 1/137 dated 19th March, 2020 on the above subject matter directed that all Schools be closed for a period of one (1) month commencing from Monday, 23rd March, 2020, as part of measures to contain and prevent the spread of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) throughout the country.
In the light of the above, the Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu is hereby closed for the next (1) month with effect from Monday, 23rd March, 2020.
However, this directive is for students only, as members of staff must be at their duty posts and attend to the functions of their various offices as directed by the Chairman of Council.
*Please note, all students must vacate the College on or before 6.00p.m. today, Monday, 23rd March, 2020.
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All staff and students are advised to adhere strictly to basic protective/preventive measures against the new Corona virus.
Be guided accordingly.
Lebechukwu M. Ojobor (Mrs.) mnim,mcai,