All rumours surrounding the 26th May, 2012 date for the OAU post-UTME screening exam has finally been confirmed as the school releases a formal memo to SchoolGist to confirm the date.
According to the memo sent to schoolgist.ng, the exam will hold on Saturday, MAY 26, 2012 at exactly 2.00pm, while candidates are expected to be seated by 12pm. Infact SchoolGist suggests that you be in the school as early as 8am on the D-day to socialize with others and exchange ideas.
Though registration for the exam has been put on hold, candidates are advised to exercise some patience until the school is ready. The registration for the exam will be online but for the mean time, candidates should get the following ready;
- A JPEG digital passport of not more than 50kb (Cyber cafes and business centres can help you with this if you don't understand the terms).
- Your electronic and Original Jamb Result Slip, which you can obtain through SchoolGist by clicking here.
We suspect the school is waiting for the official pronouncement of the general Cut-off mark by Jamb which is expected to be on 21st May before commencing.
SchoolGist will inform you immediately the registration commences. Always visit this website.
We are constantly following OAU and we will immediately make public any memo sent to us from the school. If you are an OAU aspirant, you are advised to subscribe to SchoolGist SMS alerts for future updates that come with relevant past questions that you can use to study. There's no more time. Subscribe now, click here