We just got another report that SMS were again sent to candidates by JAMB on change in exam date, venue and time.
Though SchoolGist cannot independently verify this information, we like to always be on the cautious side as we also cannot rule out the fact that this may happen and it may not get to you due to network issues or wrong phone number.
We therefore advise our dear JAMB candidates to always check for the final version of their JAMB e-slip a day before the exact date written on their current e-slip/photocard.
Since the JAMB CBT will be starting tomorrow and some people will be writing on 9th March, we will at this point ADVISE all SchoolGist JAMB Candidates to recheck their e-slips to verify and confirm whether or not they fall into this category of candidates.
It is FREE to recheck your e-slip and you don't have to reprint it if there is no change in your exam information. To recheck your exam information, follow the FREE Steps below;
How to re-check your e-slip
1. From an internet enabled computer system with a printer, visit the e-slip checking portal by clicking here.
2. On the right side of the page, find a tab labelled "Re-print Your Slip" and click on it.
3. Once the tab opens up, enter your JAMB Registration Number in the space provided and click "Re-Print".
4. Verify that all the information you see matches with the information on your current photocard.
5. If it matches, then continue with your JAMB Preparation but if it does not match, follow step 6 below.
6. Press (Ctrl + P) to print or Look for the "Print" button, usually the 2nd, at the top right of the page and print in colour.
That's it.
At least if you are able to check yours, you can put your mind at rest if you are writing tomorrow OR maybe recheck again a day before the date on your current photocard.
Hope this information helps. Goodluck!