The first term scheme of work for Computer for Junior Secondary School one (JSS1) first term begins with the Fundamentals of Computer, which can be in turn broken down into Constituents of a computer, Hard ware: System unit, Peripherals, soft ware: System software. Data Devices and the pre computer age to the 19th century and so on.
The scheme of work for Computer for JSS 1 (Junior secondary school one) for 2024/2025 academic session begins with input and output devices and a host of others. Please be informed that this scheme of work has been made available and free for all teachers in secondary schools in Nigeria by SchoolGist. Computer is a subject made compulsory by the ministry of education to be offered in Junior secondary schools in Nigeria.
In this article, we will be focusing on the JSS 1 scheme of work for Computer First term, second term and third term for the current academic session as approved in the curriculum.
In summary, it is a subject that introduces students to the fundamentals of computer. It is an introductory to the subject which in turn gets students ready for the ICT world.
Computer is the new cool because the world has gone global and the scheme of work has been well arranged in a progressive order that would make it very easy for students offering the subject to comprehend.
Ideally, the scheme of work for Computer for JSS 1 first term, is a continuation from Computer scheme of work taught in elementary school but in a progressive manner.
The ministry of Education made it mandatory that all junior secondary schools in Nigeria operate using the same scheme of work whether it is a private secondary school or government owned secondary schools. The ministry of education, in order to align with the demands of WAEC as a body, makes compulsory the submission of the government approved scheme of work for all subjects offered in Junior secondary school as parts of the requirements for approving the operation or license to run a private school in Nigeria.
To further emphasize the importance of the subject matter, the scheme of work for Computer Science is a complete guide on all topics under this subject. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.
For example, the scheme of work for Computer JSS 1 (Junior secondary school one) is the same for both private and public secondary schools in Nigeria, that is, the scheme of work for a private school is the same with that of public or government owned secondary schools, principals and teachers in secondary schools in Nigeria are to adhere to the approved scheme of work as mandated by the ministry of education as a move against this could spell sanctions from the ministry of education.
The JSS 1 Computer scheme of work provided here would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics and subtopics but also, devise more practical ways of imparting the practical knowledge on the students while being time conscious at the same time in order to meet up with the deadline and start revision early enough.
From our observations, the search for the government approved curriculum or scheme of work for Computer in Junior secondary school 1 has been on the rise, reason being that Computer is a core subject offered in both Junior secondary schools in Nigeria. The scheme of work for Computer in Junior secondary school one (JSS 1) from first term to third term is the same irrespective of whether the school is a public or private secondary school as this brings about uniformity in the educational sector in Nigeria.
This post carries weight because it provides in full, details about the current Computer curriculum for Junior Secondary School 1, that is, for complete academic session (1st term, 2nd term and 3rd term), and this includes the government approved scheme of work for all topics and sub-topics for Computer for JSS 1 first term, second term and third term.
For those interested in starting up a school either in any state within Nigeria, it would be worthy to go through the government approved guidelines for establishing a secondary school in Nigeria as this would guide you through the process and give you firsthand information on all requirements that must be put in place before your school can be approved or termed Government approved.
Computer scheme of work for JSS 1 first term cover topics and sub topics on fundamentals of computer, data information, computer devices, computing devices. All have subtopics which have been broken down into bits for ease of understanding. You can see all below under the first term scheme of work.
Computer scheme of work for JSS 1 second term cover topics and sub topics on Revision of the previous term’s work (first term) followed by input devices, output devices , computer system software, programming language, fifth generation programming language. Kindly scroll down to the 2nd term’s computer scheme of work for full list.
Computer scheme of work for JSS 1 third term begins with revision of 2nd term’s work as usual. The complete curriculum for Computer JSS 1 third term begins with Communication systems, application areas of ICT, Booting, Description of the booting process, types of booting, components of the windows desktop and so on.
Please note that the full scheme of work for Computer In JSS 1 (1st term to 3rd term) provided here is the harmonized scheme of work in conjunction with that approved by the Federal ministry of education and it is applicable to all Junior secondary schools in Nigeria irrespective of whether it is private or public secondary school, so you can always trust the source of the information.
What You Stand To Gain From This Post
- You will have in your possession, Computer scheme of work for JSS 1 (1st term)
- The approved Computer scheme of work for JSS 1 (2nd term)
- The government approved Computer scheme of work for JSS 1 (3rd term)
Computer Scheme of Work For JSS 1 (1st Term, 2nd Term & 3rd Term)
See the full breakdown below:
- Constituents of a computer
- Hard ware: System unit, Peripherals
- Soft ware: System software, Application software
- Characteristics of a computer with computer Terminology
- Definitions of data and information Examples of data and information Differences between data and information How the computer process data Diagrammatic representation of a computer
- The Abacus
- Features, components and uses Napier’s Bone
- Features, components and uses Slide Rule
- Features, components and uses
- Pascal’s Calculator, Leibnitz multipliers, Jacquards Loom Charles Babbage
- Difference and Analytic engine, Augusta Ada Byron, Hollerith Census machine,
- Punched cards, Burroughs, the comptometer and the cash register.
- Antana soft Berry computer, Electronic Numerical integrator and calculator
- Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer Universal Automatic Computer
- Desktop Personal Computer Laptops and Notebooks
- Difference between laptop and Notebooks Other forms of portable device.
1) INPUT DEVICES: Definition
- Types of Input devices
- The computer keyboard: Types, Functions, commands
- The mouse: Type, function, features etc.
- Pointing stick, joy stick, track ball, bar code reader, optical character recognition, magnetic ink character recognition etc.
- Definition of Output Devices
- Monitor: Types of monitor
- Types of screen display
- Printers: Functions of printer, types of printer
- Speakers
- Plotters
- Video graphic cards and sound cards etc
3) COMPUTER SYSTEM SOFTWARE: Definitions, types, categories of application packages
5) PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: Definitions, different level of programming languages, advantages and disadvantages of the different level of programming language.
- Definition of I.C.T,
- Types of I.C.T
- Broadcasting
- Telecommunications
- Data Networks
- Information system and satellite communications.
- Tele-conferencing
- Tele presence
- Tele commuting
- Video conferencing
- Tele communication and networking
- Multimedia Message Services (MMS)
- Instant messaging
4) BASIC COMPUTER OPERATIONS – Booting, Description of the booting process, types of booting, components of the windows desktop. Practical’s on other simple basic computer operations.
5) WORD PROCESSING – Definitions, examples of Word Processor features of Word Processor
6) PRESENTATION PACKAGE – Definitions, examples of a presentation package, features of Word Processor using the presentation package.
The above as you can see is the scheme of work for Computer in JSS 1 for all the terms which includes first term, second term and third term. You can ask your questions or give your opinion as regards the subject matter via the comment section below.