Commonwealth Split-Site PhD Scholarships 2024

Commonwealth Split-Site PhD Scholarships 2024

Are you aspiring to enhance your research skills and contribute to your home country’s development? The Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships for the 2024/2025 academic year present a unique opportunity for you. As a student from a low- or middle-income Commonwealth country, you are invited to spend 12 months at a UK university, diving deep into your research and broadening your academic horizons.

What Are Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships?

These scholarships are part of the UK’s commitment to the Commonwealth and are aimed at those who are already pursuing a PhD in their home country. The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC) administers these scholarships with funding from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), operating under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP).

Scholarship Benefits to Elevate Your Academic Journey

The Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships come with several benefits:

  • Approved airfare to and from the UK
  • Tuition fees covered in full
  • A monthly stipend to support living expenses
  • Warm clothing allowance, applicable to some Scholars
  • A study travel grant for educational travel expenses
  • Child allowance for eligible Scholars with children in the UK

Who Can Apply?

Eligibility Criteria:

  • You must be a citizen or refugee of an eligible Commonwealth country and reside there.
  • You should be enrolled in a PhD programme in your home country by September 2024.
  • A robust link must exist between your home university and your prospective UK university.
  • You’re expected to commence your UK studies in September 2024.
  • You should hold a first degree of 2:1 honours standard, a 2:2 honours degree, and a relevant postgraduate qualification.
  • The scholarship must be critical to affording your studies in the UK.

Selection Criteria: Ensuring the Best Candidates are Chosen

  • Academic excellence
  • The quality of your research proposal
  • The potential developmental impact your work could have on your home country

How to Apply: Your Pathway to Global Research Recognition

The deadline for applications is 16:00 GMT on 5 December 2023, with courses starting in September/October 2024. Your application must include:

  • Academic qualifications
  • Publications and awards
  • Employment history
  • Details of three referees
  • A comprehensive Development Impact statement

Ready to Take the Next Step in Your Academic Career?

Click here to apply for Commonwealth Split-Site PhD Scholarships

For more detailed information about the Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships, visit the official scholarship page.

Embark on your academic adventure in the UK with the Commonwealth Split-site Scholarships. It’s not just a scholarship; it’s your chance to grow as a researcher and contribute significantly to the development of your home country. Apply now and take a significant step toward achieving your dreams.

RECOMMENDED: Check Here for More Scholarships and Opportunities.

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