Colleges of Education to Start Awarding Degrees Soon

Colleges of Education to Start Awarding Degrees Soon

Nigeria’s Colleges of Education would start awarding degrees soon.

The Committee of Governing Councils of Federal Colleges of Education says it has commenced processes that would ensure that the nation’s colleges of education would start awarding degrees in line with global trends.

The Committee Chairman, Senator Emmanuel Anosike, stated this on the sidelines after a meeting of chairmen of Governing Boards of Colleges of Education in Abuja.

According to him, the colleges have been well positioned and equipped by the President Goodluck Jonathan-led administration to award degrees.

Anosike, who was reacting to the decision by the Federal Government to make degree the minimum teaching qualification in Nigeria, said such institutions as the Alvan Ikoku College of Education, Owerri and the Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo were already affiliated to some universities to award degrees.

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