This is to inform the general public that Admission forms into Basic & Post Basic Nursing program for the year 2020/2021 shall commence from Monday 17th- 29th January 2021
Interested candidates should pay the sum of N 5000 Five Thousand Naira Only in to the College Account at Fidelity Bank Plc. Account Number 5020132211and Collect the form in College Registry.
1. Five credits in English, Mathematics, Biology Physics and Chemistry
2. The result must either WAEC, NECO or NABTEB (not more than 2 sitting)
3. Candidate must be within age limit of 16-35 years old.
4. Candidate must be physically and Mentally fit.
5. Completed forms are to be return to registry on or before 31st Jan. 2021
Please note:
Cash payment is not allowed.
No completed form will be accepted after the closing date