This is to inform suitably qualified candidates who wish to apply for 2021 long vacation Part-Time (LVT) programme that the forms are now available, online at cost of Five Thousand Naira (N5,000.00) only.
Interested candidates are to check the college portal https://application.coeakwanga.edu.ng as from Tuesday 15th June 2021 for the purchase of the forms.
- Visit https://application.coeakwanga.edu.ng
- Click on "Apply for Admission"
- Enter your details selecting Programme as Part-Time (LVT)
- Click on "Continue" to generate an invoice and proceed for payment
- On successful payment, Visit https://application.coeakwanga.edu.ng and click on "Paid? Continue Registration"
- Enter your paid Invoice Number and choice any password of your choice. You may use your phone number
- Click on "Continue" to create your profile
- If profile creation is successful, you will be asked to login
- Complete you profile data
- Then, generate School Fees Invoice
Good luck