The Attention of the Management, College of Health Sciences and Technology, ljero-Ekiti,COHESTI has been drawn to a WhatsApp content insinuating that the School fees of the College is different from what is obtainable in cognate heaith institutions in Nigeria.
It is important to inform the general public that, the Management of COHESTI had some months ago met Students Union leaders in the Institution on the need to selectively increase school fees in some departments of the College, considering the requirements by regulatory boards of concerned programmes.
Similarly. the Management of COHESTI met the leadership of the Joint Campus Committee, National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) Ekiti Axis, who after extensive deliberation,saw reasons the Management had to increase fees payable in some departments, while reducing for others, based on directive given by concermed regulstory boards, as part of conditions for re-accreditation
Asides the fact that renovation works have commenced in some classes and lecture hails, the Provost of the Colege, Dr(Mrs) Cecilia Adebayo has not hidden her resolve to upgrade facilities across laboratories in the college, while also equipping the college hostel with solar power, in order to make learning and reading more convenient for Students.
As a health Institution saddled with the responsibility of training middle-health professionals,the fees payable by our students is not any different from what is obtainable in cognate government-owned health institutions, either within or outside Ekiti State.
To this end, we urge our esteemed Parents and Students to disregard the unverified claim by some persons that, the fees payable by Students of COHESTI is higher than what is obtainable in cognate institutions.
Parents and Students are encouraged to pay only the approved fees to the approved account,obtainable from the College bursary department.
The Management of COHESTI remains committed to training and producing dependable middle health professionals that can compete favourably with their peers, within and outside Nigeria.