The management of Niger State College of Education, Minna has released the JAMB cut off mark for the 2024/2025 academic session has been released by the management of the college as mandated by JAMB.
The management of COE Minna are aware of the directive from JAMB that all Colleges of Education in Nigeria be it private or public institutions to fix their minimum cut off mark at 100, this is to bring about uniformity in the admission process though some Colleges of Education ignored the call on the basis that it would reduce the standard of education and seriousness on the part of the applying candidates.
COE Minna followed suit and adhered to this directive and pegged their cut off mark at 100 this also would give room for admission for the current academic session.
Now with the above announcement still in force, candidates who selected COE Minna as their preferred choice of higher institution during the UTME registration can confirm via the table below if they meet the 2024/2025 JAMB cut-off mark.
Prospective candidates who meet the cut off mark would then proceed for post UTME and internal screening exercise at COE Minna main campus and are thereby are advised to carry all supporting documents along including recent passport photographs (coloured).
See the approved JAMB/post UTME cut off mark for COE Minna 2024/2025 academic session at the end of this post.
Benefits of Meeting The Minimum JAMB Cut Off Mark For COE Minna:
Candidates should note that the benefits of meeting COE Minna JAMB cut off mark for 2024/2025 academic session is that it affords candidates the opportunity to gain admission to sit for post UTME aptitude tests and also study any of the courses offered in COE Minna so long as the candidate gets a good score in the internal screening exercise.
Requirements for Post UTME Internal screening at COE Minna:
A) To be eligible for admission at the institution, candidates must score up to the minimum cut off mark for the current academic session as fixed by JAMB (Joint Admission and Matriculation Board).
B) Candidates seeking admission into COE Minna; must have at least five (5) credits in Mathematics and English and other relevant subjects as it relates to his or her course of study in not more than two (2) sittings to be eligible to participate in the post UTME screening aptitude test
C) Age Requirement for COE Minna: Candidate must be at least 15 years of age to be eligible to apply
D) The management of COE Minna would also request for your original documents which includes ‘O’ level certificate, for your information, awaiting results are accepted by the institution so long as results would be made available upon request during the screening exercise.
D) Original copy of your birth certificate or birth declaration document duly signed by the Federal High court.
E) Candidates are also to carry along with them, recent passport photographs (Coloured)
We take it upon ourselves to constantly remind candidates that scoring above the minimum JAMB and post UTME cut off mark for COE Minna does not in any way guarantee you an automatic admission into the institution, until a successful internal screening exercise carried out on all candidates then candidates can be rest assured, it only increases your likelihood of gaining admission should you perform above average in your post UTME exercise.
The management further stressed that only successful candidates that participated in COE Minna post UTME internal screening exercise would be automatically granted admission to study the course of their choice.
COE Minna Cut off Mark For All Courses 2024/2025 Academic Session
COE Minna JAMB and post UTME cut off mark for all courses 2024/2025 academic session is 100, candidates with a minimum UTME score of 100 and above are automatically eligible for the post UTME screening exercise at the institution.
CRS/SED | 100 and above |
ECO/SED | 100 and above |
GEO/SED | 100 and above |
HIST/SED | 100 and above |
ISS/SED | 100 and above |
SOS(DM) | 100 and above |
SOS/SED | 100 and above |
ECON/SOS | 100 and above |
CRS/SOS | 100 and above |
ECON/GEO | 100 and above |
ECON/HIS | 100 and above |
GEO/HIS | 100 and above |
GEO/SOS | 100 and above |
HIS/CRS | 100 and above |
HIS/ISS | 100 and above |
HIS/SOS | 100 and above |
ISS/SOS | 100 and above |
ARABIC FRENCH | 100 and above |
FRENCH (DM) | 100 and above |
HAUSA/CRS | 100 and above |
ARABIC/ISS | 100 and above |
ENG/ARABIC | 100 and above |
ENG/CRS | 100 and above |
ENG/FRENCH | 100 and above |
ENG/HAUSA | 100 and above |
ENGLISH/HISTORY | 100 and above |
ENGLISH/ISLAM STU. | 100 and above |
ENG/SOS | 100 and above |
ENG/SED | 100 and above |
ARABIC/HAUSA | 100 and above |
HAUSA/ISS | 100 and above |
HAUSA/SOS | 100 and above |
HAUSA/SED | 100 and above |
HAUSA {DM} | 100 and above |
PES (DM) | 100 and above |
ADULT EDU | 100 and above |
ECCE | 100 and above |
BIOLOGY/CHEMISTRY | 100 and above |
BIOLOGY/COMPUTER | 100 and above |
BIOLOGY/GEOGRAPHY | 100 and above |
BIOLOGY/SED | 100 and above |
CHEMISTRY/COMPUTER | 100 and above |
MATHS/COMPUTER | 100 and above |
MATH/ ECON | 100 and above |
MATH/GEO | 100 and above |
MATH/PHYSICS | 100 and above |
MATH/SED | 100 and above |
PHE (DM) | 100 and above |
PHYSIC/CHEMISTRY | 100 and above |
INTER/SCIENCE (DM) | 100 and above |
PHYSIC/COMPUTER | 100 and above |
BIO/INT. SCI | 100 and above |
BIO/MAT | 100 and above |
BIO/PHE | 100 and above |
CHEMISTRY/SED | 100 and above |
INT/PHE | 100 and above |
MAT/CHEM | 100 and above |
MAT/INT. SCI. | 100 and above |
MATH/PHE | 100 and above |
PHE/SED | 100 and above |
PHYSICS/GEO | 100 and above |
WOOD/WORK | 100 and above |
BUILDING TECH | 100 and above |
METAL WORK TECH | 100 and above |
ELECTTRICAL/ELEC | 100 and above |
TECHNICAL EDUCATION | 100 and above |
AUTOMOBILE TECH | 100 and above |
AGRIC SCI | 100 and above |
FINE ART | 100 and above |
HOME ECONOMIC | 100 and above |
BUSSINESS EDUCATION | 100 and above |
BUSSINESS ACCOUNTING | 100 and above |
SECT/ADM/CSC APPLIC. | 100 and above |
The above information is to clear the confusion as regards the exact cut off mark for Niger State College of Education Minna for 2024/2025 session, which simply means any candidate with 100 and above and selected Niger State College of Education Minna is automatically qualified to sit for the post UTME screening test or partake in the oral interview as the case may be.
Questions are welcome from our readers. If you have any question as regards Niger State College of Education Minna admission news, cut off mark or tuition fee, kindly get back to us through the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.