The College Management during its emergency meeting held at the College today, Friday, 13 November 2020 spiritedly appraised the on-going screening and documentation of NCE Il students and discovered that only about one third (1/3) of the expected students have been screened by the College Screening Committee and permitted to sit for the forthcoming examinations.
Sequel to the worrisome scenario, Management had graciously approved the extension of the said screening by one week. This implies that screening/documentation of all NCE students shall finally close on Friday, 20 November 2020.
All concerned students are therefore enjoined to take advantage of the extension to effect necessary payments and obtain clearance in readiness for the forthcoming examinations which the Timetable shall be adjusted accordingly.
I hereby emphasize that only students that have been screened and permitted by the Screening Committee would be admitted on campus and allowed entry into Examination Halls.
Your usual cooperation is solicited to enable us to round-off the session without hitches, please.