Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to study in any of our Certificate, Diploma and Distance learning programmes, successful completion of our Certificate and Diploma programmes may allow for direct entry admissions into our bachelor’s degree programmes.
Certificate Programmes
- Leadership Development
- Certificate in Leadership Development
- Information Technology
- Certificate in Security Studies
- Certificate in Repair Technology
- Certificate in Computer Science
- Certificate in Information Technology
- S.T.E.M – Invention Technology
- Certificate in Invention Technology
- Certificate in Waste Management
- Certificate in Primary Care Device Inventions
Diploma Programmes
- Leadership Development
- Diploma in Leadership Development
- Information Technology
- Diploma in Security Studies
- Diploma in Computer science
- Diploma in Information Technology
- Diploma in Repair Technology
- S.T.E.M – Invention Technology
- Diploma in Invention Technology
- Diploma in Waste Management
- Diploma in Leadership Development
- Diploma in Primary Care Device Inventions
Duration of Programmes: 18 months
The credit load for this programme is 340 Credits which must be obtained to qualify for graduation.
Students applying for Diploma programmes in CUN must have the following:
- Minimum of WASC/GCE or SSS certificate with a Pass in English Language; NVQ Level III or IV
- Three (3) Years working Experiences;
- Guarantor/Sponsor’s letter
- Access to farmland attested to by a traditional ruler or equivalent (for selected programmes in Agriculture).
The CDCLE Admissions Unit (cdcleadmissisons@claretianuniversity.edu.ng) will be happy to provide you with all required information regarding admission to all our programmes.
How To Apply
To apply for a programme, carefully read the admission requirement guidance and make sure you meet the criteria, having met the criteria, click on the Apply Now button on the Home page(www.claretianuniversity.edu.ng). or just click here : https://portal.claretianuniversity.edu.ng/students/newapplicant
Carefully fill in the details required correctly and click on Apply.
On successful submission, you are redirected to the page where you will get an invoice for form payment, click on Pay online.
Next step is to enter your card details and click pay.
After a successful payment, you will receive a payment application details through your email.
Print the application summary page that was sent to your email and bring it along during the screening/verification processes.
For further support or enquiries please call or WhatsApp 07036614567 or send a mail to helpdesk@claretianuniversity.edu.ng