The 2020 JAMB UTME commences on 14th March, and there's no going back. We expect you to be fully prepared by now, if indeed you've been following all our updates. The final thing for you now is to check your possible JAMB Score, to access if you're truly ready for the 2020 UTME. SchoolGist has standardized past questions that would help in grading and giving you scores that should be similar to what you'll expect in the actual UTME. To start your assessment, proceed now to take a Full CBT (2 hours) exam with the JAMB Simulator at this link; https://schoolgist.ng/classroom/exam
For a better and fluid experience to help generate your possible JAMB scores, get the activated JAMB CBT Mobile App or the JAMB CBT Computer Software. If yours is already activated, ensure you take an exam with any of them, and select to write the Full CBT (2 hours) exam. Once you're done, your possible JAMB score will be provided to you. If you're not scoring high enough, then you need to do more work on your studies.
JAMB Tools: The ultimate JAMB tools you can't do without in this revision week are as follows;
- Latest 2020 JAMB CBT Practice Mobile App - Free Download
- Latest 2020 JAMB CBT Practice Software - Free Download
JAMB Exam Slip Printing: Remember, all candidates are expected to print their JAMB Exam Slip before the 14th of March. Failure to do this may cost you a whole year without admission. Please find all the steps and instructions required to successfully print your exam slip at this link; https://schoolgist.ng/jamb-2020-exam-slip-printing-begins