![How to Change JAMB UTME Subject Combinations - 2015 [Do-it-Yourself]](https://schoolgist.ng/storage/postFiles/JAMB-cbt.gif)
Want to change your UTME subjects combination before the exam day? Here are the steps to follow to accomplish that.

During the course of registering for the year 2015 JAMB UTME, some candidates choose subjects that are not relevant to their selected course of study. In order to avoid all forms of problem in the future, such candidates are advised to change their subject combinations to the ones that fit in.
Changing your subject combinations is quite easy that anyone can do it without any ado.
How to Change UTME Subjects.
1. Go to JAMB Registration portal at http://www.jamb.org.ng/unifiedtme3/,
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2. Supply your registration scratch card PIN and Serial Number in the Login area,
3. Select ‘Change to Submitted Form’,
4. From the drop down, click on ‘Change UTME Subjects’.
After the whole process, proceed to Re-Printing of your registration Slip to see the changes.
Want to excel at 2015 JAMB UTME? Get our JAMB CBT Practice Software.
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