Hello guys, the much awaited CEO challenge is finally here. Its open to all University and MBA students in Nigeria. Do you have what it takes to be the CEO? There is no cost or purchase required to enter the Competition.
What is the CEO Challenge about?
Compete in 5 elimination rounds of exciting case study challenges against students of other universities across the globe (Nigeria, South Africa, Morocco, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan and many more). The challenge is designed to run in 5 stages
- Phase 1: Brand Manager Challenge (20 teams promoted to Phase 2)
- Phase 2: Country Manager Challenge (5 teams get promoted to Phase 3)
- Phase 3: CFO Challenge (1 Team gets promoted to Phase 4)
- Phase 4: COO Challenge (The Winning team competes with regional counterparts)
- Phase 5: CEO Challenge (1 Winning team competes with their global counterparts in DUBAI)
This Competition is open to all who meet the following criteria:
Open to all University and MBA student in Nigeria only.
- Each team must consist of exactly 3 students who are enrolled at the same university or college.
- Team composition must be decided before registration and cannot be changed once registration form has been submitted.
- Each participant is eligible to register as a member of one team only.
- Provide proof of identity, citizenship or residence in the form reasonably requested by P&G / gift issuing body
- Each member agrees not to provide false or misleading personal information, and, in particular, agrees not to register under a false identity. Each member is responsible for using the online information management system to immediately report all changes to the information he or she provided at registration.
- Minimum age of entry is 18 years old.
- Competition is not open to former P&G interns (or any affiliate, partner, and/or subsidiary of P&G).
- Competition is not open to former P&G part time or contractual employees (or any affiliate, partner, and/or subsidiary of P&G).
- Competition is not open for employees and agents of the Advertiser, P&G, their Affiliates, any other prize sponsor, and any entity involved in the development, production, implementation, administration or fulfillment of the Competition, and the immediate family members and persons living in the same household as such individuals, whether related or not.
How can I participate?
- Make a team of 3 Individuals from your university
- Click on the register menu to register your team
- LIKE the P&G Careers Nigeria Facebook Page
- Stay tuned for the qualifier challenge which will be communicated to you on the 26th of September 2014
Registration Closes: 11:59PM September 25th 2014
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