Co-Creation Hub Giving4Good Challenge 2018 for Nigerians | Up to 35,000 in Funding

Co-Creation Hub Giving4Good Challenge 2018 for Nigerians | Up to £35,000 in Funding

Co-Creation Hub is now accepting entries to its 2018 Giving4Good Challenge. The Giving4Good Challenge is open to social innovators, and teams or individuals with early stage ideas who are of Nigerian citizenship living in Nigeria. Receive up to £35,000 towards the execution of the idea. 

CoCreation Hub Giving4Good Challenge

CcHUB is running the Giving4Good challenge which will explore the ways CSO’s and NGO’s use technology to raise funds from individuals and donor organisations in both local and international/diaspora communities.

The constraints of individual philanthropy in Nigeria revolve around three major themes:Transparency & Accountability, Effective Communication , Ease of donating.

The Challenge aims to bring technologists and civil society groups together, to develop mobile-based innovative platforms that can help address the constraints of individual philanthropy in Nigeria.

CcHUB Giving4Good Challenge Eligibility.

  • We invite innovative, technology driven solutions targeted at the constraints that CSO’s and NGO’s face when it comes to attracting individual philanthropy. Ideas should be focused on one of the following questions:
    • How might we increase the transparency of NGO’s and CSO’s reporting, to gain trust and encourage more individual donations in Nigeria?
    • How might we effectively communicate the emotional appeal of causes supported by NGO’s and CSO’s, in order to trigger more individual philanthropy in Nigeria?
    • How might we leverage technology to facilitate the ease of donating to NGO’s and CSO’s in Nigeria?
  • We invite proposals from software developers, academics and entrepreneurs from across the six geopolitical zones in Nigeria.
  • Through the challenge, we hope to find social innovators across Nigeria, supporting them to develop their ideas and to scale leveraging digital technology.

Co-Creation Hub Giving4Good Challenge Benefits.

The top 3 ideas will receive combined funding of up to £35,000 towards the execution of the idea. Further Pre-Incubation support will be provided via the Co-Creation Hub (CcHUB) Pre-Incubation services.

Over the subsequent six months, the top three ideas will be supported with a range of services focused on product development, distribution and business modelling to turn their ideas into fully working products to launch in late 2018.

Co-Creation Hub Giving4Good Challenge Key Dates.

  • Call for Ideas: 6th March, 2018 – 13th April, 2018
  • Idea Sprint Workshops: 20th March, 2018 & 24th March, 2018
  • Idea development: 6th May, 2018 – 9th May 2018
  • Pitching Session: 10th May, 2018
  • Pre-Incubation: 31st May, 2018 – 1st December, 2018

How to Enter CcHUB Giving4Good Challenge.

We invite individuals and groups (not more than 3) to submit ideas of applications, technologies, tools, services or any other kind of digital innovation. We’re particularly keen to hear great ideas for addressing the issues regarding Fundraising by CSO’s and NGO’s. These ideas could be related but not limited to financial inclusion, agriculture and education. 

Ideas may be totally brand new or extensions of existing products and services. We are open to all ideas as long as they are innovative and provide solutions to the listed challenges.

Apply Here Official Link (

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