Bayero University, Kano, BUK timetable for the completion of the 2015/2016 academic activities.

This is to announce the release of the Bayero University Kano (BUK) Timetable for the completion of academic activities for the 2015/2016 presentation of 1st Semester Examination Result based on the Senate-approved guidelines for such activities as follows:-
- Faculty Examinations Officers should notify all students accused of involvement in examination misconduct (in writing) that they should stay behind/retum to defend themselves as soon as each case arises.
- This is the latest date for this activity. Departments should encourage examiners to submit their results before this date whenever possible and level coordinators to start compiling the results as soon as some examiners submit their raw marks.
- Arrangements will be made for the prompt payment of External Examiners’ claims. Departments are advised to complete the claim forms, so that the examiners sign them immediately on arrival. In line with the new e-payment policy, the payments will be made directly into the External Examiners’ accounts.
SchoolGist Team.