The management of Bayero University Kano (BUK) has released a proposed timetable for the 2020/2021 Admission process. According to the management, the process will run as shown below;
1. Monday, February 24, 2021: Send a letter to JAMB requesting for the closure of University Portal for change of Institution with two (2) weeks' notice to end on Friday, March 5, 2021.
2. Tuesday, March 2nd 2021: CAC meeting to consider modalities of the 2020/2021 admission exercise.
3. Monday, March 8th 2021: Download list of screened UTME and DE applicants and forward to Faculties for a recommendation.
4. Monday 15-17, 2021: CAC meeting to consider UTME recommendations from Faculties.
5. Monday 22-24, 2021: CAC meeting to consider DE recommendations from Faculties.
6. March 29 - May 3 2021: Upload candidates on CAPS for JAMB consideration (UTME and DE). Online Screening of admitted candidates.
7. May 10 - August 15th 2021: Online registration including Course Registration for UTME and DE candidates.
8. August 16th 2021: Close Online Registration.
Matriculation of newly admitted candidates, August 23, 2021.
The software has been developed to conduct the screening of admitted candidates Online in compliance with the COVID-19 protocols.