BUK Post-UTME Screening Results, 2018/2019 Released

BUK Post-UTME Screening Results, 2018/2019 Released

The Post-UTME Result of Bayero Universoty for the 2018/2019 academic session have been released. All candidates who participated in the screening exercise are by this notice advised to proceed to check their screening results.

The results have been uploaded online. Candidates can follow the steps below to check their results.

How to Check BUK Post-UTME Result

To check your your Bayero University, Kano Post UTME result follow the procedures outlined below:

  1. Go to Bayero University post UTME result checking portal at http://mybuk.buk.edu.ng/bukat2018/bukat_login.php.
  2. Enter your ‘UTME Number‘ and ‘UTME Score‘ in the required column.
  3. Click on the login buttoin and proceed to view your BUK post UTME screening score.

Please send any enquiry to the following email address: bukat.registration@buk.edu.ng.

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